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  • Panacea
  • Design
  • 2nd April 2016

5 Easy Ways to Recognize It's High Time to Redesign Your Website

website redesign


website redesign


Technology and design trends evolve quickly. If your website is not current, then your business might be on the verge of losing the most out of existing online opportunities. You might have a concern of spending money on website redesign, but if it will be done properly, it can be great returns on investment.


Here are 5 simple ways to recognize whether you really need the website redesign.


1. Take a mobile-friendliness test of your site

Today’s customers are on the internet and they want to buy everything using their mobile devices. They expect to get what they want easy and fast. Therefore, it is important that your website is optimized for the mobile.


If you are still delivering desktop version to your customers, then surely you are going to lose business as your audience must be finding it frustrating to access your site on their mobile devices.

Take a mobile-friendly test and see whether your website is mobile friendly or not. If not then, don’t make any delay in finding out professional web design services to redesign your site and make it responsive.


2. Check your website’s visibility in Search Engines

Visit Google, Bing, Yahoo and any other major search engine and search for your services and products. Does your website showing up in first 2 search result pages? If not, then your site needs a search engine friendly design. In this regards, you can refer SEO tips for website designers that can help to redesign your site with search engine friendly factors.


3. Check out traffic and conversion both

It’s vital to check your analytics on a regular basis. Behaviour of your visitors is a key indicator to know whether it’s time to redesign or not.


Most of the times the amount of traffic comes to your site is good, but the conversion is less or almost none. It shows that your site is not performing well. No conversion means your site is not user-friendly and there is utter need of changing its design.


4. See your competitor’s site

Every business wants to outperform its competitors. If you have the same ambition, then go to your competitor’s site to see the design changes that have been done. If your competitors have made any modifications that are helping them to get more visitors and better position in search results, then it’s time to make similar or better alteration with your site as well.


5. Outdated Design

The first impression matters a lot. In today’s fast-paced world, you just get a few seconds to draw user’s attention and inspire them to get engaged. Also, customers determine the quality of your business on the basis of the quality of your website. Therefore, it is important that your site should look modern, professional and fresh.


If your site is too old and its design hasn’t updated for a long time, then you should seriously think about website redesign. Because, if the design is outdated, certainly it offers a shaky user-experiences that in turns fail to engage visitors.


Your website is your online identity. It brings you business. Keeping it updated with latest technology and trends helps you to get more business. If it is not bringing you enough business, then it’s high time to consider website redesign. In this regards, we can help you with our top-class web design services to modify your site with industry-leading website design.


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